Saturday, November 10, 2012

Locks of Love

Chad and I have been married for 7 and a half months now and in that time we have learned a lot of good things from each other. One of the best things that Chad has taught me is to worry less about what people think of me.

For quite some time now I've been debating cutting my hair. I've been postponing doing it because in my head I kept hearing comments friends and strangers have made about others in the past. "She just got married and now she's chopped her hair off. So typical." "I'm so glad you're not like all of those other girls who cut their long hair after having a baby." And other variations of that same type of thought. I've heard it from many different people and I didn't want to be the person others were saying things like that about. So I figured I would wait until Chad and I had been married for one year. Maybe then it would be more socially acceptable.

Well it hasn't been a year yet because I decided not to let what other people 'might' say or think guide my choices. Today, with the encouragement of my sweet husband, I cut 10 inches off.  I've always wanted to donate hair to Locks of Love, so I did it. I did it for those children who are suffering from hair loss. They deserve to live a normal life filled with confidence and I'm grateful I was able to play a part. I also did it for me though--to start a new chapter of my life where I worry less about what people think of me.




Side Note: If you live in Utah County and need a good hairstylist, I have one I highly recommend. Her name is Kali and she works at the Relik Salon in American Fork.

I'm so grateful to have learned from this very valuable lesson from Chad. He has dealt with a lot of people judging him throughout his life, but he kept doing what God wanted him to do. He didn't worry what all of the other people thought of him. I'm so lucky to have him for eternity. Thank you, my handsome boy!

Thank you also to my dear friend Amanda! She helped to inspire me to action with this post.

And to all the strangers on Pinterest who 'liked' and 'repinned' the haircut I was considering (above), without knowing that I'm recently married, thank you! You  helped me to act with confidence knowing that it's a great haircut regardless of if I'm recently married or recently had a baby ;)


  1. I love it!! :) You look so cute--PLUS it was for a good cause or two. You're awesome!!

  2. I love it! That is such a good length for you :)

  3. I love it too! I also go to Relik Salon. Small world:) You look fantastic.

  4. You are so awesome. The girls who benefit from your hair will be so grateful. When they are going through so many health trials, hair is a miracle to them. (you look very cute, btw).

  5. What a wonderful and caring thing to do! Those who have health issues and have lost all their hair will be so grateful. It is no fun being bald, but one does what is necessary to heal. Your act of charity is a great gift. After all , WWJD? Love you. Grandma Amos
